Friday 27 March 2015

Is Electronic Cigarette Really Safe

The Dutch government thinks that electronic cigarettes are not safe. But some British health experts think that electronic cigarettes can save millions of lives. Then which is true? There have been a lot that has been said about electronic cigarettes for years and some of them are just being told. Electronic cigarettes are safer but far from being safe.

The heart of the matter is that cheap electronic cigarettes offer a less harmful alternative to smoking. Electronic cigarettes never claimed that it is healthy. Not even the vape brand that would incorporate anti-oxidants can claim health benefits. The vaping company that can claim that vapes are safe are either stupid or outright lying.

The Dutch say that not all of the extolled health benefits that vapes bring are properly backed by research. But on the flip side the extolled health risks that vapes bring are also not backed by solid studies either.

It seems that the fight over the safety of electronic cigarettes has been reduced to one word against another. This is not just helpful, but especially for smokers that are relying on vapes to help them quit smoking.

What is definitely true is the fact that electronic cigarettes can help people quit. There have been numerous studies to back up this claim. The writing is on the wall. Quitters will have a better time quitting with the use of electronic cigarettes. The most famous study remains the one published in Lancet where it was found out that electronic cigarettes are as effective as the approved smoking-cessation tools approved by the NHS and even the US FDA.

Some people remain skeptical about electronic cigarettes because of some safety issues. There have been a lot of news reports regarding exploding vapes and even some electronic cigarettes causing fires. We are also reading some smartphones exploding and some have killed smartphone users when they answered the phone while charging. But why are we not calling for the ban of smartphones? It is because the incidents are isolated and are the exemption rather than the rule.

Since electronic cigarettes have yet to go through the regulation wringer, some people are hesitant because there are no standards that eliminate the risks if not push it lower. There are no regulations governing nicotine strengths and even potential hypertension risks due to further exposure to pure nicotine. The lack of essential warnings on the packages and manuals may also be a source of concern. This could be the areas where the government can look into and put regulations just to appease the general public.

There is an understandable reason why some health advocates are trying to move heaven and earth to outlaw electronic cigarettes. The issues of potential health risks and even the usage of vapes as a gateway to tobacco remain valid issues. But the concerns are not a valid reason to vilify vapes. Research remains the best way to prove the concerns are right. Until there would be decisive research about long-term issues, there is no reason to be overreacting and conclude that electronic cigarettes are not safe for humans.